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And are proud to have partnered with 17 Associations of Local Councils across England.

We understand Clerks & Councilors

Over nine hundred Councils have already trusted us with their utility bills - we search the market to make sure you get the best deal.


900k kg


C02e emmissions prevented
Money Saved
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Rated Excellent on Trustpilot  (our Clerks love us!)

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We know how you work

We are proud to call ourselves local council energy experts, we will deliver prices and support ready for your council meeting and provide full post-contract support.

We have promised each of our Local County Association partners we will offer the best tariffs available and deal with each council with respect and professionalism.

We are on hand to help

Whilst it can be an easily overlooked area of responsibility for busy council clerks, making sure that the energy consumed by council properties and streetlights is competitive and responsibly sourced can reap rewards for both the environment and the council’s purse.


As a non-domestic entity, it can be daunting for the clerks of smaller councils to wade into the difficult waters of arranging a commercial energy contract which, by definition, comes without the assurances and protections of similar domestic arrangements. Often the inherited incumbent supplier is chosen as a safe bet against the myriad of small and large energy companies that now operate in the UK energy market; fears also abound over collapsed energy companies and rogue energy salespeople.

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A farmer with an armful of produce

We got in touch with the team at Clear Utility Solutions after hearing about them from the Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. Our electricity contracts were due for renewal last year and the team secured us a great deal I can't recommend them highly enough. Brilliant service!

Breaston Parish Council

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Our National Council Basket Scheme..

We have helped over 900 Parish and Town councils over the last 2 years - our group purchasing power gets you the best price.

Once you have found a tariff your council are happy with we will do the rest and give you full support during the term of your contract.

The scheme, similar to those already running all over the UK with other Local County Associations, is focussed on ensuring local clerks have access to an easy and convenient energy comparison service, which with minimal time and effort, has been successful in helping their members to secure more suitable contracts for their energy needs. With a firm focus on renewable energy and cost reduction, the scheme has enabled local clerks to purchase tailored energy contracts from reputable energy suppliers in a way that simply was previously not possible.

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Unmetered Supply Street Lighting Specialists (UMS)

As we have helped over 900 Parish and Town councils over the last 2 years - our group purchasing power gets you the best price.

Many clerks opt to carry out their own independent market reviews to find the right deal for them, however many suppliers do not offer suitable tariffs for unmetered supplies, making finding a good deal both time consuming and difficult. As a result, some clerks have turned to the services of energy consultants and brokers who guide them to suitable deals and suppliers who are able to service their respective needs.

Our consultancy, Clear Utility Solutions is committed to bringing greener and more cost-effective energy tariffs to councils across the country.

Streetlight at dusk
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We have prevented over 900,000 kg of CO2e emissions for councils so far..

More and more Councils across England have declared climate emergancys - we are on hand to help!

One of the easiest ways to do this is by switching to renewable energy.

Making this change combined with improved energy efficiency across your premises is brilliant for your business image.


At Clear we are able to offer expert advice on all renewable options on the open market. More and more suppliers are now offering green energy options - this means that tariffs are getting more competitive. Working with Clear we will find you a supplier and tariff that matches your environmental goals and at the same time finding you the best possible rates.

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Our after-contract service is best in class..

Contract Agreed

Account manager assigned

Peace of mind - we're here if you need us

We are changing the way councils procure their energy..

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Rated Excellent on Trustpilot  (our Clerks love us!)

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Opus Logo
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Compare suppliers now

Our aim is to help as many businesses across the UK save more on their energy. Contact us today and a member of our experienced team will help you find the best deals on your energy.

01327 601122

We are proud to support Tommy's

Tommy's fund research into miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth and provide pregnancy health information to parents. Tommy's believe it is unacceptable that one in four women lose a baby during pregnancy and birth. They want every parent to have the best possible pregnancy outcomes and to take home happy, healthy babies. Tommy's are the largest charity funding research into the causes of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth. They also provide information for parents-to-be to help them have a healthy pregnancy and baby.




1 in 4 women experience miscarriage in their lifetimes, and 1 in 100 have 3 or more miscarriages in a row. Tommy's want to change this so that women no longer have to suffer the trauma of losing their babies.

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